Collection plants

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Tillandsia index: a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - x - y - z - (available surplus)
209 Tillandsia hammeri Mexico, Oaxaca, Tehnaxon, 1450 m Coll. Ehlers & Rauh

3 pictures
17 Tillandsia hammeri
  131  Tillandsia harrisii
262 Tillandsia harrisii garden origin

2 pictures
1212 Tillandsia harrisii
  264  Tillandsia harrisii
  487  Tillandsia harrisii
  873  Tillandsia harrisii Guatemala
  917  Tillandsia harrisii
  956  Tillandsia cf. harrisii
  556  Tillandsia hasei Bolivia, Camargo - Culpuia
787 Tillandsia hasei Type loc. Coll. R. Ehlers

7 pictures
2172 Tillandsia hasei
  890  Tillandsia hasei Bolivia , Dept. Chuquiaca, Distr. N Cinti, Camargo to Culpina.
47 Tillandsia heteromorpha garden origin

1 pictures
1950 Tillandsia heteromorpha
551 Tillandsia heteromorpha Peru, Chiclay - Santa Cruz, 600 m Coll. Rauh 35344

1 pictures
1848 Tillandsia heteromorpha
  749  Tillandsia heteromorpha
  783  Tillandsia heteromorpha
806 Tillandsia heteromorpha Peru

1 pictures
1372 Tillandsia heteromorpha
818 Tillandsia heteromorpha Peru: Dept. Cajamarca , Chiclay - Santa Cruz, Rio Chancay valley, km 7-30 Alt.: 600 m. Coll. Rauh, W. R35344 09/1973

1 pictures
1847 Tillandsia heteromorpha
  1078  Tillandsia cf. heteromorpha Peru
  333  Tillandsia heteromorpha 'minutifolia'
  761  Tillandsia heterophylla Mexico, Veracruz, near Orizaba, 600 m.
994 Tillandsia heubergeri garden origin

6 pictures
1918 Tillandsia heubergeri
  747  Tillandsia hildae
  841  Tillandsia hildae
750 Tillandsia hiroi Ecuador, near Oña Coll. Gouda, Manzanares, Takizawa s.n. 2005

7 pictures
2497 Tillandsia hiroi
93 Tillandsia hitchcockiana Ecuador, Loja, Cotacocha, 1700 m. Coll. C.S. Gouda s.n. Mar. 1994

7 pictures
350 Tillandsia hitchcockiana
980 Tillandsia hofackeri Brazil: Bahia , Ituacu-Itaguarana on Bambui?

7 pictures
1720 Tillandsia hofackeri
233 Tillandsia hondurense large form

11 pictures
1365 Tillandsia hondurense
472 Tillandsia hondurense garden origin

8 pictures
481 Tillandsia hondurense
  824  Tillandsia horstii Brazil: Bahia , Neari Morro de Chapeú Alt.: 1000 m.
  1044  Tillandsia huarazensis Peru
778 Tillandsia humilis garden origin

3 pictures
47 Tillandsia humilis
  985  Tillandsia cf. humilis Peru, Cajamarca, Cumbe Mayo
  728  Tillandsia cf. hurasensis Peru

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