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available surplus)
429 |
Tillandsia kammii
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446 |
Tillandsia kammii
12 pictures |
455 |
Tillandsia kammii
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552 |
Tillandsia kammii
| Honduras, Dept. Olancho, E of Juticalpa, near Catacamas, epiphytic on Coffee- and Mahagoni-trees., 1200 m |
763 |
Tillandsia kammii
4 pictures |
163 |
Tillandsia karwinskiana
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722 |
Tillandsia karwinskiana
| Mexico, San Lois Potosi |
760 |
Tillandsia karwinskiana
Mexico, San Lois Potosi, El Progreso, 1100 m. Coll. Lautner L92/8 1992
6 pictures |
34 |
Tillandsia kautskyi
15 pictures |
195 |
Tillandsia kautskyi
13 pictures |
995 |
Tillandsia kautskyi
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1104 |
Tillandsia kegeliana
N-Colombia Coll. Gruber
30 pictures |
50 |
Tillandsia kegeliana
| French Guiana, Saül |
1064 |
Tillandsia kickiae
Ecuador, Loja, Rd 35, Catamajo - Veracruz, passed Las Chinchas, 2250 m (waypoint 9840) Coll. Jerry Raak 2015?
7 pictures |
1073 |
Tillandsia kirschnekii
| Peru , Dept. Apurimac, along Rio Pachachaca. Alt.: 2500 m. |
690 |
Tillandsia kirschnekii
Peru, Dept. Apurimac, between Abancay and Andahuaylas, near the bridge over Rio Pachachaca. Alt.: 2500 m. Coll. E. Kirschnek (Feldkirch bei München) s.n.
7 pictures |
836 |
Tillandsia kirschnekii
Peru, Dept. Apurimac, between Abancay and Andahuaylas, near the bridge over Rio Pachachaca. Alt.: 2500 m. Coll. E. Kirschnek (Feldkirch bei München) s.n.
14 pictures |
1138 |
Tillandsia klausii
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204 |
Tillandsia klausii
Mexico, Chiapas, Tuxla, Fritiesrez Coll. R. Ehlers EM881801 1988
9 pictures |
944 |
Tillandsia krahnii
| Peru: Reg. Ancash , 17 km N of San Luis, near Luzuriaga, along Rio Ashnucancha. Alt.: 2300 m. |
991 |
Tillandsia kuehasii
| Bolivia? |
557 |
Tillandsia kuehhasii
| Bolivia, Chatajela, 3750 m |
562 |
Tillandsia kurt-horstii
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